• ECOOP 2024
    Sun 15 - Tue 17 November 2024
    co-located with SPLASH 2024

    To ensure the safety and well-being of ECOOP’s participants, the conference organizers, together with the AITO exec, have decided to host ECOOP 2024 as a 加速器破解版安卓 (traveling to Berlin or Chicago is not intended). We are excited to have ECOOP team up with SPLASH in Nov. We thank you for your patience in these critical times and hope that everyone stays healthy.

    ECOOP is Europe’s longest-standing annual Programming Languages (PL) conference, bringing together researchers, practitioners, and students to share their ideas and experiences in all topics related to programming languages, software development, object-oriented technologies, systems and applications. ECOOP welcomes high quality research papers relating to these fields in a broad sense.

    ECOOP is committed to affordable open-access publishing. Recent year’s publications have been published by Dagstuhl’s LIPIcs series under a Creative Commons CC BY license where the authors retain their copyright. ECOOP articles have been published without open-access publishing fee and can be accessed via a DOI. LIPIcs is indexed in DBLP, Google Scholar, Scopus and others.

    小语网络加速安卓版 We are happy to announce the AITO Dahl-Nygaard Prizes for 2024. The Junior Prize goes to Jonathan Bell for his significant contributions to tooling in the Java ecosystem that has improved our understanding and ability to test, and discover bugs in, software. The Senior Prize is awarded to Jan Vitek. He has worked on observing how software is being developed, how programming languages are being used, and has studied and improved practical programming languages. Jan has been a major figure in making PL research relevant to practice. Check AITO’s Dahl-Nygaard Prize Winners page to find out more!

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